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Blog Post #10 - Visual Marketing

After reading the wikipedia page on visual marketing I was somewhat surprised to find that the term's roots are mostly in fashion and design when I figured that advertising would be a large part of visual marketing's history. As far as visual marketing is concerned for my project 3, two of my genres are visual, so visual marketing is important to my project so that my audience of Tallahassee can make the connection between the images and the problems in the community. Visual marketing will help my message be understood without having to explicitly list in with words even though I will be explaining it with text as well. The article was a slow read and I didn't find it fascinating but I suppose it was useful to my project and made me think about what kind of visual marketing I will be using. My third genre is going to be a photo board on pinterest which is mentioned as a picture sharing website in the article, so the gallery should form a connection between image and message. In my case, that should be easy with the photos capturing the 'borders' between Frenchtown and FSU/Downtown I feel that my project will make use of visual marketing well.

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