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Non-traditional Text Presentation: Frank Reynolds and Guns

This video is a clip from an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia that addresses arguments about gun control and ownership. One of the main characters, Frank Reynolds (Danny Devito) recounts a story persuading viewers to buy multiple guns, and uses typical or common arguments of gun owners in his appeal.

The text is typical in the way it is presented, a "hero" telling their story on a news station, but atypical in the manner Frank tells the story, eating a sandwich and pulling out his "pieces" on air.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a crass comedy show that often uses offensive humor. This clip is from the very beginning of an episode that discusses gun control debates. The show often tackles divisive issues, and is able to use comedy without choosing or leaning toward any side too heavily, being equally distasteful.

The tone is jocular, pointing fun at vigilante heroes with the example of Frank firing his guns wildly with no concern for innocent people. The purpose of the text is setting the tone and the scene for the episode. Just after the interview, the episode divulges with all of the main characters reacting differently to Frank's message.

The intended audience of this text is viewers of the show, but the consequential audience could be anyone that watched the episode or saw this clip through social media or on the internet.

The genre of video clips from comedy shows has changed little, and often captures funny moments during the episodes. They often include little context and focus on a moment rather than the plot.

Complications with this text can be the belittlement of political opinions, and making light of an issue that is very serious and emotional for some people. The episode also features a scene with two characters lobbying to be armed guards at a school and toting a revolver and samurai sword.

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