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Blog Post #9 - Past Classes

Looking at the blog of past student Carolyn Davidson, I was able to get a better idea of ways to make my website more visually pleasing and more interactive. My blog right now has many different formatting discrepancies that I need to take care of, and my project tabs I am currently working on. Looking at the wix site of past students was beneficial and interesting to see the many ways that people were able to include all of the required work but also add a personal touch. As there are only a few weeks left in this class, I am going to fine tune my projects and make sure that my wix site is easy to read, looks nice, and presents my work in a way that personifies me, my writing, and my experiences with this class. Reading some reflections made me feel better and hopeful that my overall writing and literary skills will increase by the time this course is finished. While I didn't get the best grade on project 1, the ability to revise and update my project will help me allow my projects to flow and reading others' final drafts gave me ideas in areas I can improve.

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