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Blog Post #3 BBG Chapter 5

At this point in my life it would be easy to say that I think I can handle writing research papers well, but then sometimes I find myself just sitting there and wondering what the hell I'm doing. Reading such an in-depth guide refreshed all that I thought I knew and left me with some strategies that I can add to my writing process that won't totally throw a wrench in it. I know that it is hard for me to write spontaneously, but after last class I was shocked at how much I accomplished in our free write. I'm very well aware that it is far from my best work, but going into a paper with a do it once and do it well attitude has made writing some papers throughout high school like torture. Chapter 5 is essentially a blueprint into the way that I want to write papers, though I know I'll have to fight my tendency to procrastinate. Finding something that interests me enough to write a full-blown paper is difficult when my mind is racing, and I think that if I put more effort into brainstorming and making useful diagrams like the word plot will make the process much easier and allow me to continue writing and polishing my work. Many of the things discussed in chapter 5 are things that I'm familiar with, but haven't implemented many of them in the research paper process, and I'm glad to have gotten a little refresher and new insight that can improve my writing.

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